Books – The Gift of Celtic (2013)

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Title: The Gift of Celtic
Published: 2013

SynopsisThe Gift of Celtic - Pic

In the true Celtic Spirit the good people at are allowing me a wee ramble on a subject very close to my heart and I suspect many of you will feel the same. I have always written about the unique founding traditions of Celtic Football Club and that tradition is as alive today as it was when Brother Walfrid founded his club ‘To maintain dinner tables for the children and unemployed.’ Since November 1887, through to this day Celtic folk the world over have sought to maintain the charitable ethos of the club and extend it well beyond these shores. We no longer just seek to help the poor in our midst, although they are still here and in need of our support. From Africa to Thailand, from Belfast to Bolivia, the Celtic family has dug deep to keep alive the spirit of Brother Walfrid. I ask your help today to help maintain that spirit.

This bookI have been very blessed that so many of my fellow Celtic fans have read and for the most part, enjoyed my articles and stories. From ‘Paddy’s Ashes’ and the ‘Celtic Spirit’ to ‘Does he take Sugar’ and ‘the Gift of Celtic’ the feedback was always very positive and inspiring. We’ve laughed, occasionally argued, shared our memories and of course confirmed that the club we all love is deeply embedded in all our hearts. Recently a couple of good Twitter Tims said we should publish a book with the best of the articles brought together in one place. We have worked away for the past few months to make it happen and I’ve also written a few new stories for the book which you’ll find nowhere else. The book is a 142 page homage to Celtic FC and the club’s incredible supporters. It represents our stories and our songs, our triumphs and our tragedies. From John Thompson to Lisbon, from Jimmy McGrory to Henrik Larsson and Seville, it weaves the legends and glory of Glasgow Celtic into a wonderful and very readable book. It also recognises that Celtic would not have been born nor would the club have thrived without their wonderful supporters. So this is also our story too, in a very real way we are all Celtic.

Of course, being true children of Walfrid, every penny we raise from sales of the book will be going to charity. We chose the Children’s Hospice Association Scotland (CHAS) to benefit from any money we raise. CHAS does wonderful work in providing the only existing hospice service in Scotland to children and young people with life shortening conditions. It also provides a tremendous service for their families and it is absolutely fitting that the Celtic family support this vital and worthy work.

Should you wish to buy a copy of the book or indeed an e-book simply click the link below and register. Why not get a few for your family or supporters bus? It’s a real bargain and every cent raised is being given to CHAS. Cost is expected to be around £5 and every penny made will go to CHAS. The book is taking pre-orders now and will be published in the next week or two. It would make a great Christmas stocking filler for any Celt and it comes with the added bonus that buying it is helping to continue the charitable work our great club was founded to do. We are still Walfrid’s children and there are few better causes to support than the Children’s Hospice Association Scotland.

Thank you very much. I know the good men and women who follow this remarkable football club of ours will support this very worthy cause. Thank you also to the excellent folk at, living up to the Celtic spirit!




Product Details

Pages: 142 pages
Published: Dec 2013


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